Life Sciences Resource Guide

Payroll / Personnel

Academic Personnel

The UC Academic Personnel Manual can be found at
The Academic Personnel Coordinator is Theresa Reyes, in LS 2306 (, 310-825-3599).

Academic Promotion/Merit Increases (Tenure-Track Faculty)

See You will be notified annually if you are eligible for advancement, and you may decide whether or not to proceed. Promotions (i.e., Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, Associate Professor to full Professor) and advancement to Professor Step 6 and Above-Scale are more involved than within-rank merit increases – they require solicitation letters, a departmental ad hoc committee, and a faculty meeting. Merit increases are reviewed by the departmental Personnel Committee. See the Academic Personnel Coordinator in LS 2306 (Theresa Reyes).


Information on health care, insurance, retirement and other benefit plans is available via the Campus Human Resources website at

Catastrophic Leave Program

The UCLA Catastrophic Leave Program permits temporary salary and benefit continuation for an eligible staff employee who has exhausted all paid leave credits as a result of a catastrophic illness or injury that requires the employee to be absent from work. The illness or injury can be the employee’s, or that of a member of the employee’s family or household. The continuation of salary and benefits is made possible through voluntary donations of vacation leave accrual balances by other employees, either through a designated donation to the eligible employee, or by donating to a central catastrophic leave bank.


Payroll checks or direct deposit stubs (Surepay) for monthly personnel arrive on the first day of each month; when the first of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, the pay is received on the prior working day, except that checks for December payroll are paid on the first working day of January. Bi-weekly checks are available every other Wednesday according to the University bi-weekly schedule. For a complete summary of all bi-weekly and monthly paydays, see and select Your Paycheck. Reimbursement checks take about 2 weeks and are sent to the same address as paychecks (or direct deposit if payroll is on Surepay).

Direct Deposit (Surepay)

Complete Direct Deposit form for payroll and reimbursement direct deposit to your bank account. You will receive an itemized form each month detailing your earnings, deductions and leave accruals. For more information on Direct Deposit, see the staff in the Payroll Office in LS 2312 or Theresa Reyes in LS 2306; further information is available at and select Your Paycheck. .

Family And Medical Leave

Eligible employees may take Family and Medical Leave for one of the following purposes: to care for the employee’s child after birth or placement for adoption or foster care, to care for the employee’s spouse, domestic partner, child, or parent who has a serious health condition; for the employee’s own serious health condition. For more information, see

Housing Down Payment (Faculty)

Many faculty recruitment packages include one-time additional compensation to be used toward the down payment on the purchase of a home. In order to access these funds, the faculty member must be able to demonstrate that the purchase in imminent, usually by opening escrow. These funds are paid out as in the form of additional one-time salary and are taxable as such. See your fund manager for additional information.

Leave From Campus (Faculty, Academic Year Appointments)

A departmental short white form must be approved by the Chair for leaves from campus up to one week during the academic year. For leaves longer than a week, the sabbatical leave/special leave of absence green form must be filled out and approved by the Chair and possibly the Dean. See Theresa Reyes in LS 2306 for forms and additional information.

Leave Without Salary (Faculty)

Leave without salary impacts benefits as well as salary. If you choose to continue benefits while on leave without salary, you will be responsible for paying the University-paid portion in addition to your regular portion. If you choose to cancel your benefits, it is important to request reinstatement as soon as you return from leave. See Theresa Reyes in LS 2306 for forms and additional information.

Moving Expenses (Faculty)

When faculty members relocate to accept a position at UCLA, the University will pay moving costs for their household goods, laboratory contents, and one vehicle. Faculty may collect receipts and submit expenses for reimbursement, or may use a vendor able to accept a purchase order from the University. Contact your fund manager for additional information.

Overtime (Staff)

Staff who are exceed 40 hours per week and are in a “non-exempt” title MAY be eligible for overtime compensation. Overtime paid out in excess of 40 hours/week is paid at the rate of 1.5 times the usual rate. Contact the Staff Personnel/Payroll office in LS 2312 for more information.


See Ora Rutherford-Green in LS 2312 for a parking application. Fees can be deducted from your paycheck on a monthly basis if you wish. Permit types vary according to price and parking privileges. For further information on faculty and staff parking and transportation on and off campus, see and select Campus Parking.

Sabbatical Leaves (Tenure-Track Faculty)

See Theresa Reyes, the Academic Personnel Coordinator in LS 2306 ( For every quarter faculty work at least 50 percent time, they accrue credit toward sabbatical leave. Faculty are eligible to take one quarter’s sabbatical leave at full pay after nine quarters of qualifying service, or a leave at fractional pay after only six quarters of qualifying service. Many combinations of qualifying service, number of quarters on sabbatical and percentages of salary are possible. For details on sabbatical leave, see the accompanying charts or refer to Section 740 of the Academic Personnel Manual at

Sick Leave (Staff)

Sick leave is provided to continue the salary of eligible employees who are absent from work because of illness, disability, medical appointments and, with some limitations, in the event of illness in the family or bereavement. Detailed information on the use of sick leave can be found at

Sick Leave (Faculty)

UC faculty do not accrue sick leave. Absences due to short-term illnesses can usually be covered through consultation with the Department Chair; leaves for major illness are arranged on an individual basis.

Staff Career Discovery Series

This five-module set of workshops introduces staff to effective tools and techniques to explore their professional needs, research career options and develop strategies for successful career paths within the University system. These sessions focus on goal setting, self-assessment, job search strategies, resume writing and effective interviewing. For more information, go to, and select Human Resources, Training and Development, Career Development, Career Discovery Series.

Staff Enrichment Program

If your job is at the level of an Administrative Specialist or below and you would like to develop your professional skills, get career coaching, network with campus-wide staff, and learn interviewing techniques, the Staff Enrichment Program is for you. The one-year program accepts approximately 30 to 35 participants currently at or below the level of Administrative Specialist (or equivalent) and helps develop their professional expertise through a series of seminars, team projects, career coaching, departmental presentations, and portfolio-building workshops. For more information, see, and select Human Resources, Training and Development, Career Development, Staff Enrichment Program (SEP).

Staff Professional Development Program

This one-year leadership development program provides participants in PSS 2-6 classifications with opportunities to enhance professional and management skills, build professional networks, and learn about the structure and culture of the University. Program components include a 2 day off-site retreat, monthly seminars, buddy program, brown bag sessions, structured mentorships, team projects, 360-degree assessment and career coaching. For more information, go to, and select Human Resources, Training and Development, Career Development, Professional Development Program (PDP).

Staff Organizations – Staff Assembly

UCLA Staff Assembly is an organization for staff dedicated to promoting the interest and welfare of all staff employees. Founded in 1978 and supported by the Office of the Chancellor and Campus Human Resources, Staff Assembly provides a forum where staff employees at all levels can discuss University issues of mutual concern and forward their opinions on policies, procedures and activities related to staff to University Administration. Staff Assembly provides a two-way communication system to help promote respect and cooperation among staff and other members of the UCLA community. The Assembly recommends staff members to serve on major campus and system-wide committees. Each quarter, Staff Assembly sends two delegates to the system-wide Staff Assembly meeting, called the Council of University of California Staff Assemblies, where they meet with representatives from the Office of the President, Board of Regents members and other key university officials. Staff Assembly not only offers a vehicle through which to stay informed and feel included, but it also offers opportunities for staff to give back to the university community. For more information, see

Staff Training And Development

UCLA offers a wide variety of developmental programs to build job skills for the role you have and to foster the career we hope you develop. Programs extend to all segments of the workforce. Check out the many opportunities – classes and workshops, career programs, management development, UC institutes, and training certificate programs – at; select Human Resources, Training and Development.

Tax Statements (W-2s)

Most tax statements are mailed by January 31 of each year to University employees, students, vendors, and annuitants. Each form is used by the recipient to file Federal and State income tax returns as required by Federal and State law. Duplicates of these tax forms can be requested (if necessary) by clicking on the blue request duplicate icon at to view and complete the request form. Each form will require a separate duplicate request and may have different requirements for attachments or additional information. In addition, current UCLA employees may use the Web Duplicate W-2 page to view and print a duplicate W-2 form.

Time Sheets (Staff)

All staff employees must complete time sheets. Page: 3

Academic employees who earn vacation and sick leave must also turn in timesheets. Monthly-paid employees must turn in their timesheets at the end of the month. Bi-weekly employees have a set schedule, which is available in the payroll office. Timesheets are to be turned in to the payroll office (LS 2312) by the deadline; please date-stamp the timesheet before putting it in the bin.

Vacation Leave (Faculty)

Academic personnel appointed on an academic-year basis are expected to be in residence from the day designated in the University Calendar as the opening of the Fall term through the end of the Spring term. Academic-year appointees do not accrue vacation leave. Except for Postdoctoral Scholars, academic personnel appointed on a fiscal-year basis for 6 months or more at 50 percent time or more accrue vacation leave.

Vacation Leave (Staff)

Staff employees accrue vacation leave based on their number of hours of pay status and years of qualifying service. Vacation leave is scheduled in advance and must be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor. Accrual information can be found at

Workers’ Compensation

The purpose of Workers’ Compensation is to provide certain benefits to workers who are injured at work or who develop a job-related illness as a result of their employment. Benefits may include payment for medical bills, lost wages and vocational rehabilitation. All job-related injuries and illnesses sustained by UCLA employees are covered by the University’s Workers’ Compensation self-insurance program. For more information, see; select Worker’s Compensation under Human Resources.

Work Study Students

Some students obtain a Work Study award as part of their financial aid package. The department or principal investigator will pay 50% of the salary, while the Work-Study fund pays the other 50%. Typical job titles for students are Assistants or Lab Helpers, for work performed in offices and labs. The Staff Payroll/Personnel office in LS 2312 can assist supervisors and principal investigators in posting job descriptions to the UCLA work-study website. For more information, see


Bruin Cards

The BruinCard is the official identification and service card for UCLA faculty, staff and students (including library services). BruinCards can be obtained at the BruinCard Center in Kerckhoff Hall, Room 123. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Care Program/Undergraduate Research Center

CARE’s primary commitment is to provide enrichment opportunities for those students who seek careers in scientific research and teaching and whose success through graduate training will increase the numbers of historically underrepresented individuals in academic and technological fields. CARE emphasizes a hands-on apprenticeship in research and related activities as a way to help students achieve their aspirations to scientific careers. For more information, contact Tama Hasson in LS 2109A (, 310-825-9277),

Child Care Services

Information on UCLA Child Care Services is available at UCLA Early Care and Education offers care for children 2 months to 6 years of age at three centers. The University Village Center includes a full-day kindergarten program. See also UNIVERSITY PARENTS NURSERY SCHOOL.

Counseling (Staff And Faculty)

The Staff and Faculty Counseling Center offers a variety of services by professionally trained counselors to UCLA staff, faculty and immediate family members. Services at the Center are free, voluntary and confidential. The Center assists people in managing work and personal difficulties that affect job performance; offers counseling sessions and workshops that focus on skill-building and constructive problem solving in order to maximize employees’ potential and productivity and to enable them to attain job satisfaction; provides short-term individual, family and couples counseling for personal or work related problems; conducts management and departmental consultations, workgroup interventions, critical incident debriefings; maintains a stress management biofeedback program; and offers community referrals and a resource lending library. Further information is available here:

Counseling (Students)

Undergraduate students in need of counseling for personal/family issues can be referred directly to Student Psychological Services. Students needing counseling for academic or career issues should be referred to the undergraduate student affairs officer(s) of your department. If the problem is not determined but the student clearly needs some sort of assistance, the SAO will meet with the student to assess the problem.

Housing Information (Faculty)

For information on faculty housing services, see The UCLA Community Housing Office provides daily listings of both vacant and shared apartments, houses, guest houses and rooms in private homes. Many property owners list exclusively with them in order to rent to a faculty member. UCLA faculty can access their listings both on-line and in our office by obtaining a Community Housing Office membership. They have Rental Associates who are available to help current and prospective faculty members find housing; the Rental Associates can discuss your needs in person or over the phone but cannot rent a unit on your behalf. They encourage you to contact the Community Housing Office before you come to Los Angeles. The Rental Associates can be reached at 310-825-4491.

UCLA manages a variety of accommodations for faculty rental. The UCLA Faculty Apartments consist of two 72-unit apartment complexes located at 827 Levering and 715 Gayley Avenue as well as a seven-unit building located at the corners of Tiverton and Weyburn Avenues. These units, located within two blocks of campus consist mostly of one- and two-bedroom apartments. All are unfurnished with the exception of major appliances. Rental ranges are as follows: Faculty Gayley: $.1,327-$.1,395 per month, Faculty Levering: $.1,125-$.1,700 per month, Weyburn Avenue: $.1,157-$.1,823 per month. The University also owns condominiums on Levering Avenue and Wilshire Boulevard. The spacious one- and two-bedroom units on Levering Avenue, Village Terrace, include washer-dryer in each unit and rent for $.1,122 to $.2,019 per month. Park Wilshire, the luxury high-rise facility located on the Wilshire Corridor, features special amenities including a concierge, valet service, spa and exercise center, a conference room, a ballroom, and a library. One- and two-bedroom units in this facility rent for $.1,298 to $.2,704 per month. Most contracts are month-to-month. For information on specific units, call the University Apartments Faculty Rental Coordinator at 310-794-8610 or e-mail

Subject to available funding and nomination by your department, home mortgage loans may be available to you through University-sponsored loan programs. The University Real Estate Department has information regarding First and Second Trust Deed programs and can provide loan pre-qualification and referral information. For additional information, please call the Loan Manager in the Real Estate Department at 310-794-2649.


Information on the UCLA Library system, consisting of the Charles E. Young Research Library, the College Library and seven subject libraries, can be accessed through the Library’s website ( Your BruinCard serves as your library card. Academic cardholders can authorize another individual to conduct Library business on behalf of the faculty member or for a faculty-sponsored research project and can obtain a faculty authorization Library card with academic loan privileges for that individual. To obtain a faculty authorization card, both the faculty member and the authorized borrower must be present at the time of issuance to sign the application. The faculty member must present a currently valid UCLA Library card, and the authorized borrower must present a photographic ID. The campus address of the faculty member is required. Cards are issued for one year or less and can be renewed with a letter of request from the faculty member on official university stationery. Authorized borrowers must be at least eighteen years of age. A faculty member’s signature on the application constitutes acknowledgment of the responsibility for all materials checked out by the authorized borrower. All recall and hold notices, fines, and bills will be sent to the faculty member. Faculty members are responsible for informing the Library if and when authorized borrower card privileges should be terminated before the card’s expiration to prevent unauthorized use. Faculty authorization cards can be obtained at the following Library card issuance centers: Arts Library, Biomedical Library. College Library, Management Library, Music Library, Research Library, Science and Engineering Library (all locations).

Student Psychological Services

Many students find themselves seeking support as a way of learning to deal with the many tasks — psychological, social and intellectual — which confront them. Student Psychological Services is designed to respond to these tasks in a variety of ways. SPS is a multi-disciplinary mental health center for the UCLA community, offering individual and group counseling and psychotherapy to students; emergency services; consultation, outreach, prevention, and education to students, staff and faculty; and training programs for graduate students in the mental health professions. SPS is located in the John Wooden Center West (the SPS entrance faces the Intramural Field and Drake Stadium), and is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., except for University holidays. Emergency Counseling is also available on a drop-in, first-come-first-serve basis, Monday through Friday from 9:00 A.M. to noon and from 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. IF STUDENTS ARE EXPERIENCING AN EMERGENCY SITUATION WHEN SPS IS CLOSED, THEY SHOULD GO TO THE UCLA HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM.

Summer Camps

UCLA Recreation sponsors a number of summer camps and activities for children. For more information, see their site .

University Credit Union

University Credit Union (UCU), a non-profit financial institution for employees and families of major Southland Universities, was established in 1951 by UCLA employees, for UCLA employees. The credit union’s field of membership has grown extensively over the years, as has its products, services, and capabilities. Because the credit union is non-profit, it is able to offer its members higher investment rates and lower lending rates than most banks. Because it is a smaller organization, the customer service is more personalized, giving members the feeling of a community bank. The main office is located at 1500 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles, and there is a service center in Ackerman Union on the A-level, across from Textbooks. More information is available at

University Parents Nursery School

UPNS is a parent participation nursery school for children ages 2 through 5. Because we take care of the children of UCLA students, faculty, and staff, we offer flexible schedules, ranging from 3 half days (7:30 am to 12:30 am or 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm) to 5 full days (7:30 am to 5:30 pm). Parents have the option of selecting the days of the week they would like their child to attend school. More information is available at

Useful and interesting web links:

UCLA Emergency and Safety services:
Online Archives of California (digital photographs):
Information Services:




Academic Senate Teaching Awards

Each year the UCLA Academic Senate and its sponsors award over $.66,000 in support for the Distinguished Teaching Awards, Faculty Research Lectures and Gold Shield Faculty Prize programs. For further information about these programs, see

Career Development Awards — Faculty (Assistant Professor)

This Academic Senate program is intended to provide junior faculty with research support at a critical time in the pre-tenure stage in developing the research or creative record that is essential for promotion from assistant professor to associate professor. Awards are made in the form of summer ninths, one-quarter sabbatical supplements, full quarter research leaves with salary, and research support up to $.3000. Applications are usually due during the Winter Quarter (early February) and are submitted directly to the department chair. The annual program announcement and application form may be viewed at the Faculty Diversity website at; under UCLA Faculty Career Development Awards, select Program Description or FCD Application.

Faculty/Staff Partnership Award

In recognition of the value of collaboration and collegiality, UCLA’s Staff Assembly recognizes those faculty members who actively develop and encourage faculty/staff partnerships. For more information, see

Staff Achievement Awards

All career staff are eligible for the Staff Achievement Award. The University pays a benefit of 0.5% of salary each month into the Staff Achievement Award pool, and departments may access the funds accumulated in this process to make awards. Each department selects a committee to consider applications, and makes a determination of who will receive an award and the size of the award. The Director of Staff Personnel for the College and the Assistant Dean of the Division of Life Sciences also review and approve the awards. There is no firm deadline as funds accrued to not expire at year-end; however, there is normally a round of awards made in Spring just prior to fiscal closing. For more information about the program, consult your staff supervisor or Patie Johnson, Annette Klufas, Nancy Purtill, Jonathan Rodgers or Ken Sais.

Staff Awards – Excellence In Service

To recognize, encourage, and reinforce the performance of staff members who go above and beyond the call of duty in helping the University achieve its mission, UCLA Staff Assembly sponsors the Excellence in Service Award. The award, which carries a $.5000 cash prize, will be presented to a full time UCLA staff member who demonstrates a commitment to the mission of the University through significant contributions and achievements which consistently exceed the established requirements of the individual’s appointed job. For more information, see

Staff Awards – Staff Scholarships

Each year UCLA Staff Assembly offers scholarships for career enhancement and professional growth. The number and value of scholarships awarded may vary from year to year, and are dependent upon revenue derived from various Staff Assembly fund-raising events. For more information, see .