Course Scheduling

The course schedule is a collaborative effort between department SAOs/CAOs, Faculty, the Course Scheduler, and the Office of the Registrar. Departments work to compose the teaching plan for a given quarter based on budgets and student needs. Once the teaching plan is complete, it is then provided to the Course Scheduler. At that time, the Course Scheduler begins to work with faculty to collect all schedule details, all in adherence to Room Scheduling policy. Once all the schedule details have been gathered and a course schedule has been completed for each department, the course schedule is submitted to the Registrar’s Office for classroom placement and all other schedule finalizations so the course schedule(s) can be approved. The approved course schedule by the Registrar’s Office will then become available for student enrollment.

BioAdmin provides course scheduling services to the following seven departments:

For the Department of Life Sciences Core Education, please contact Lily Yanez ( in regards to course scheduling.

Additional Scheduling Resources

Schedule of Classes — Located on the Office of the Registrar’s website. Click here to find a list of courses offered for each term. Enrollment restrictions and notes can be found by clicking on the course ID #s for the individual courses.

UCLA General Catalog — Consists of all UCLA majors, course descriptions, and requisites and is published annually in PDF and HTML formats. All courses, course descriptions, instructor designations, curricular degree requirements, and fees described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice. Consult this General Catalog for the most current, officially approved courses and curricula. For complete department and school address information, please reference the Campus Directory

UCLA Course Descriptions — Course descriptions are approved by the Academic Senate and maintained by the Registrar’s Office. To browse courses by subject area, click on the subject name. To search courses, enter keyword(s) in the field and click the search button. For more information on the organization of courses, visit the Course Numbering and Description Guide. To find past course descriptions, see the UCLA General Catalog Archive.

Schedule of Classes Department Proof (for administrative use only) — This report provides the raw schedule details for any given department. Note, this report can also be pulled in excel format for your convenience.

Instructions for finding the Department Proof via the Registrar’s web:

  • Go to
  • Click on ‘Faculty & Staff’ at the top center.
  • Click on ‘Classrooms and Scheduling’ on the left.
  • Click on ‘Schedule of Classes Department Proof’ under ‘Schedule Proof’.
  • Log on.
  • Select term and department. Press ‘Get Proof’.

Standard Time Blocks – a list of course schedule standard time patterns

UCLA Classroom List — The UCLA classroom list gives information of classrooms.

UCLA Campus Colored Map — Campus building information and streets.

Annual Academic Calendar — Annual academic calendar is a summary, year at-a-glance calendar that includes term and instruction start and end dates, and holidays, through 2022-23.

Term Calendar — Term calendar shows detailed dates and deadlines by term. Download or print the calendar for easy reference.

Summer Session Calendar — Summer session schedules include the start and end dates of summer sessions A and C.

Final Exam Schedule — Final examination schedules include dates, times, and reference codes.

MyUCLA — Accessing MyUCLA allows one to enroll in courses, access your Degree Audit Report (DAR), update address and email address, declare expected term and allows instructors access to their course evaluations at the end of the quarter.

Office of the Registrar — For all other information, please visit the website of the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Contact Information

For more information on Course Scheduling, please contact our BioAdmin Course Scheduler, Win Lam at or 310-825-1268.